Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chapter 2

     Melissa threw the rubber pig mask at Alexandra and began to pace back and forth in her pink-covered room.  Alexandra caught the mask, holding it tightly against her chest, unable to find the words to say to her best friend.  This wasn’t exactly how Alexandra had wanted to tell her that she had been the one to free the test animals from the cosmetics company van the other night.  She wasn’t even sure she would have ever told Melissa.  The smiling faces on the elephants, zebras, and other stuffed animals that sat atop Melissa’s dresser, desk, and bed all seemed to mock Alexandra’s guilt.  What kind of person was she if she couldn’t even bring herself to trust her best friend? “I-I don’t know what to say, Alex.  How could you do something so nuts?” Melissa kept repeating this until she was finally drained of her anger and collapsed on her plush pink comforter.  She reached over and grabbed one of the stuffed animals, holding it to her in the same manner that Alexandra held onto her mask.  For a moment the two girls just stared at each other across a distance that might as well have been miles instead of just feet.  It was probably the longest the two had ever gone without talking in each other’s presence.
Alexandra couldn’t bring herself to look her friend in the eye and instead focused on the Ewan McGregor poster that was pinned to her wall.  The only thing calming her nerves now was the lavender incense that burned on Melissa’s windowsill and the dull white Christmas lights that lined the back of her bed.  It took her a few minutes before she could muster up the courage to walk into the bedroom.
“I’m not nuts,” Alexandra muttered as she stuffed the mask back into her canvas shoulder bag that sat opposite from Melissa.
“Then what made you decide to do such a crazy thing?  You know the cops will find out about you, Alex,” Melissa warned her, like Alex hadn’t already thought about that for the entire month she had planned her exploit.
Alex thought back to the first time she’d heard about the terrible tests being conducted on small animals by Anna Marie Cosmetics.  She had been volunteering at a charity walk her dad’s organization, The Sacred Heart, had put together in August when she started up a conversation with a fellow volunteer.  The thirty-something-year-old man – that looked more like a twenty-something-year-old – had rambled on for over an hour about his life as a vegan.  Alex had smiled and listened politely, like her parents had taught her to do as a child, but had zoned out for most of the conversation.  It wasn’t until the man, dressed in nearly every clichéd hippie garment from his tie-dyed bandana to his recycled sandals, began to discuss other volunteer work that Alex finally paid attention.
The energy that began to course through the man became infectious.  The strange, lanky man held a master’s degree in education and had once held a comfortable position at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.  Yet, he’d practically thrown it all away to go overseas and assist numerous nonprofit organizations.  He had taken a leave of absence from his teaching, had left his girlfriend of two years, and sold nearly every possession he owned to pursue his passion to help.  His eyes lit up as he described being on a speedboat slicing through the waters to stop the illegal slaughter of whales in the Pacific Ocean.  She soon found out that his volunteer work found him in jail quite often when peaceful protests became less peaceful, but he continued to do it, all without blinking an eye.  Alex could feel her heart racing excitedly with each story the older hippie told, as if she was right there with him on each adventure.
“But weren’t you scared to give up everything?” Alexandra had asked.
“Sure,” the guy laughed, stroking his mangled almond-colored beard, “but if there is something you’re passionate about, you should just go for it.  Just go all out, you know, or you’ll be more miserable than if you failed in your attempt.  If you sit around and wait for change to happen, you’ll just feel terrible for sure.  Inaction is the worst answer to any decision.”
Alex had thought she was a pretty smart girl but for some reason, the Yoda-like wisdom this guy was spouting hit her like a ton of bricks.  The conversation filled her with a newfound sense of direction and she finally realized what she was supposed to do with her time.  Her dad enjoyed his charity work but Alexandra could never fully appreciate the slow-moving nature of it, nor the seemingly constant defeats.  His change depended on the action of legislation, the people en mass, and the better nature of those in the private sector.  If he was lucky change would eventually occur months, if not years, after a campaign, and if he wasn’t then he’d be forced to start over again and hope for a different outcome the next time.  No, for her, it would have to be a more direct method if she wanted to bring change to the world.
It wasn’t until the end of the charity walk when Alexandra bumped into the hippie professor again.  He fumbled about with the numerous pockets on his hemp pants as he told Alex of protests he was going to be apart of in the coming weeks.  The guy, who had clearly snuck off to get high at some point that day if his red-shot eyes were any indication, finally produced what he was looking for.  Alexandra grabbed the leaflet from his hand and began reading about the “cruel and sadistic torture” of rabbits and other small animals by Anna Marie Cosmetics.  She stifled a sympathetic cry at the images splashed across the leaflet of makeup-smeared animals covered in their own feces and trapped in cages barely bigger than they were.  The worst ones, however, were of the animals being held down as they were poked, prodded, and injected with syringes by people wearing surgical masks.  Some animals were lying with their tongues lolled out and their eyes rolled back in their heads.
“You should totally come on down into the city next week.  There’s going to be a big march in front of the corporate offices they just opened on State Street.”
Alex agreed and not only did she take part in the protest, she delved headfirst into every piece of news she could find about Anna Marie Cosmetics.  With each new piece of information she learned, she grew more disgusted with the cosmetics giant.  Anna Washington, the CEO and founder of Anna Marie Cosmetics, had muscled her way to the top of the cosmetics world by any means she could, including blackmail and bribery, all to get her product on shelves in place of other companies.  There were accusations that she forced her business partner, Marie Adams, out of the company, leaving her on the verge of bankruptcy.  The company was also accused of forcing employees to work in sweatshop-like conditions in one of their overseas warehouses.  The company was also highly criticized by environmental organizations for not having an adequate waste management system set-up to deal with the chemicals they used in their labs.  They instead let the tainted water flow into streams nearby, putting numerous human life and wildlife in harm’s way while destroying ecosystems in the process.  Alex’s face turned pale at the images that scrolled past her computer screen, as animal after animal seemed to cry out to her to be rescued.  Anna Marie was one corrupt ecological and moral wasteland of a business.
From August to October, Anna Marie Cosmetics became Alex’s personal obsession when she wasn’t busy with work or Melissa.  She had stared so intently at her MacBook for such long periods of time that she began to dream about staring at her laptop, making it difficult for her to distinguish between reality and make-believe.  Alex had written a formal letter to Anna Washington on the harmful effects her company was having but received no reply.  She even wrote to the Tribune to get them to investigate the company but that led nowhere.
It wasn’t until John, her coworker at Simply The Best, started to chase Juan around the backroom of the meat department with the skinned head of a goat, that Alex realized what a menacing, terrifying image an animal could be if it could fight back.  Anna Washington might not be so blasé about animal welfare and the world she was so intent on helping to destroy if something could stand up to her.  Maybe her direct approach wasn’t as direct as it could be?  Her next stop had been a Halloween supply shop just down the strip mall from her work.  The end result was the ten dollar pig’s mask that was now located in her bag.
Looking back on it, the conversation with that hippie volunteer felt like it had been a lifetime ago.  Alex had to shake the memory away as she focused her gaze back at Melissa.
“I wanted to do something with my life that I could feel good about,” Alexandra said to herself as much as to Melissa.  Melissa could see a fire had been lit inside Alex’s eyes that she had never seen before.
“So join an advocacy group.  You’re going to get caught,” Melissa snapped, her knee nervously bouncing up-and-down like a jackhammer.
Alex sighed and shook her head as she sat down next to Melissa on the bed.
“I didn’t just do this on the spur of the moment, Mel.  I thought it out and did it away from any cameras or busy neighborhoods.  You saw the news, they’ve got nothing.”
She said that more to convince herself than Melissa.  She still had lingering doubts she had the ability to pull off a perfect crime.  After all, she wasn’t the Zodiac killer or the talented Mr. Ripley.  What gave this 22-year-old the confidence to say that she had tricked the police with her ingenious heist?  She wasn’t out of the woods yet but the more time she put between her crime and herself, the better her odds seemed.
“Except that gun you used,” Melissa shot daggers with her eyes as she clenched her jaw.
That, admittedly, wasn’t her smartest move, but she had needed the protection.  The driver was at least double her weight and a good five inches.  There was no way she would be able to convince the guy to do anything she wanted without a weapon.  However…
“You mean this thing?”  Alex reached into her bag and fished around for the gun that was buried at the bottom.  Melissa jumped back in her seat as Alex waved the revolver around in the air.  “It’s plastic, Mel!  I bought it at Wal-Mart, for god’s sake.”
The fact that it was purple did nothing to change Melissa’s agitation.  She got back up from the bed and made a beeline for her dresser, searching through her drawers for something.
“You think that makes it better?  What if he had a real weapon?  Ugh, I swear, sometimes I wonder how you got into NIU,” Melissa said as she shoved clothes around.
“Well, NIU isn’t that diffic-,”
“That’s not the point!” Melissa shouted, finally finding the small Ziploc bag she had been looking for and produced the one remaining joint.  “Oh, thank god!”
Now it was Alex’s turn to be mad.  She got up from the bed and marched over to Melissa and grabbed the joint from her lips before Melissa could light it.  Alex shook it at her in disgust.
“I thought you gave this shit up!”  If Melissa was going to be a nurse, she would have to wean herself off of her drug of choice she’d enjoyed since senior year of high school.
Melissa, standing three inches taller than Alex, peered down at her with a dangerous look in her eye before grabbing the joint back.
“If you didn’t notice, that was the last one in the bag and I think you’re crime is a bit more extreme than mine.”
Melissa turned her back to Alexandra as she lit the joint and took a long hit.  Alex tapped her fingers on the old white-painted dresser and bit back her lecture on the nasty habit.  Instead, she tried a different tactic.
“Look,” she began slowly, “I know it was a dumb mistake.  I swear, it’ll be the last time I ever use the thing, but I have to dump it someplace far away.  Please, Mel, can we just forget about this for tonight?”
Melissa listened patiently before turning around to face her friend again.  Alex was hoping this would be the end of it and they could just go back to their peaceful night.  She was running on empty and didn’t know how much longer she could keep this argument going.  Melissa’s jaw was going to break her teeth if she ground them together any harder than she already was but Alex could only stand there and be judged by Melissa’s piercing gaze.  She desperately wanted to be forgiven and was two seconds from dropping to her knees to apologize.
“You said it was your last time.  Your last time just using the gun or this whole Avenger bullshit?”
Alex didn’t know how to answer because she was still waiting to see if she got away with this escapade.  A hypothetical second appearance as her so-called ‘Animal Avenger’ persona was the farthest thing from her mind at the moment.
“Uh… Well, I haven’t really thought about it,” said Alexandra, quietly.  She immediately regretted not coming up with a better response.
“What do you mean you haven’t thought about it?  You can’t honestly be telling me that you’d do it again, are you?”
Ding, ding, ding – round two, Alexandra thought.
“I haven’t had a real reason to do it again.  Anna Marie was all I was focused on for so long that I didn’t think beyond that.”
“Congratulations, Alex, I agree – you don’t think,” Melissa snapped as she brushed past Alex and left the room.
Alex groaned as she spun around and grabbed her bag off the bed before following after her friend.  Melissa was already down the hallway and entering the living room by the time Alex made it out of the bedroom.
“Christ, I thought that shit was supposed to mellow you out,” Alex chuckled, trying to break the tension.
In all the years of their friendship, Melissa had never been this upset with Alexandra.
Alex bounded into the living room in time to see Melissa holding her front door open.  She couldn’t bring herself to look at Alexandra, who stood with a lump in her throat.
“You’re kicking me out?” Alex could barely choke the words out.  They had never left things on such a bad note before.  For all intents and purposes, this night was more earth shattering than the previous one.
“I just want to be alone right now.  You’ve put me in a really awkward position and I need to think things out, okay?”
Melissa looked up at Alexandra, and Alexandra saw a flash of pain on Melissa’s face before her steely resolve reappeared.  There were a million things that Alexandra wanted to say to her but what was the point?  She didn’t want to press her luck.  She lowered her head as tears formed at the edges of her eyes and walked briskly past Melissa, still hoping for her friend to stop her before she left.  She didn’t.
Alexandra turned around as she stepped out beyond the doorframe.
“What about the Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow?” Alexandra had almost forgotten that she had invited Melissa over to spend a belated vegan Thanksgiving with her family since Melissa’s family was out of the country.
Melissa sighed, shaking her head before leaning against the door.
“Don’t know, Alex.  Just… go, please,” Melissa said before shutting the door on Alexandra.
Alexandra could barely see through her puffy, tear-drenched eyes as she tried to call for a taxi.  It took her four incorrect tries to simply be able to hit the correct speed-dial number on her cell.  Of all the nights to leave her bike at home!  The cold night wind nearly froze her tears to her cheeks as she walked down to the corner of Melissa’s block.  She spent the next ten minutes silently cursing her uninformed friend, her own stupidity, and the damn Animal Avenger idea.  She almost wished the cops would show up and take her away instead of the taxi.

It was bright and cold on the “Black” Friday morning, and Detectives Daniels and Eddington were speeding down US-20 while most people were busy speeding down aisles at retail stores for that perfect sale.  The object of their mission was the Animal Avenger, a vigilante that the local media and online social networking sites had named.  The previous night, as they were both about to head off for their late Thanksgiving meals, the detectives had received news that a fingerprint had been lifted off of a bike that was found three miles from the Animal Avenger’s crime scene.  It was the only real lead they had at an otherwise barren location.  The gravel road had zero tracks, the cosmetics truck had zero fingerprints, and the surrounding fields had zero fibers or tracks.
Despite their initial frenzy to follow-up on the lead, their boss, Sergeant Stevens, suggested that since the person-of-interest lived over an hour away – and since he didn’t feel like handing out overtime on a holiday – that they rest up and get an early start on Friday.  With a heavy heart, Detective Trevor Daniels consented to his boss’s wishes and retired to his girlfriend’s apartment to spend a painfully long evening in her family’s company.  Not that his stomach minded the three helpings of turkey he had eaten.
The two detectives reached out to the local police department to announce their impending approach and met little opposition.  They turned off of US-20, a busy street that stretched on forever through numerous suburbs in northern Illinois, and pulled into a shared parking lot for Meadow Springs Townhouses, a group of ten townhouse complexes just off of US-20.  It was an older set of buildings, the maroon of the sidings, decks, and window shutters was starting to fade, and the willow trees were in desperate need of trimming along the sidewalks.  It was still dark enough for the few parking lot lights that remained in working condition to be on.  To Detective Daniels, it would’ve seemed the “Meadow Springs” name was meant to inspire a lovelier environment than the reality the complex actually evoked.
Detective Eddington, Daniels’ younger partner, knocked on the door of the address they had on file for their person-of-interest.  It only took a moment for the door to be swung open and for them to come face-to-face with a curvaceous African-American woman in her late thirties holding a brown leather laptop bag slung over her shoulder.  She had a look of someone who didn’t have time to deal with interruptions in her day, holiday weekend or not.
“Yes?” she asked, positioning herself between the door and the doorframe.  Detective Daniels had to fight the urge to stare at the black skirt that wrapped around her legs like a tight cocoon all the way past her knees.  Her barely-there purple blouse did not help his concentration either.
“Ma’am, we’re with the Rockford police department.  Are you Miss Karyn Rodgers?” Detective Daniels asked, showing her his badge while Detective Eddington followed suit.
A severe look of displeasure mixed with confusion came over the woman as she shifted her weight and adjusted her thin black-rimmed glasses.
“Rockford?” she sighed, glancing over her shoulder to the stairwell behind her.
“Yes ma’am, we were wondering if your son, Maxwell, was home,” Eddington replied.
“What’s this all about, officers?  I was just on my way to work,” Karyn said, sounding put out.
“We’d just like to ask your son a few questions about a case we’re investigating.  He might have some information that could assist us.  May we come inside?”
Reluctantly, Karyn dropped her bag next to the doorway and stepped aside for the two officers.  Once they were inside, the two detectives were ushered into the living room to the left of the doorway, opposite from the staircase.  Daniels looked around the home as pictures of Karyn and her son lined the walls.  The furniture in the living room was a lot nicer than the hand-me-down green sofa he had back at his apartment.  Judging by the entertainment center that stood against the wall facing the front window, Karyn had a music and movie collection that could rival what any electronics store could offer.  Daniels supposed that her free time was not as exciting as his partner’s but being a single mother probably left her without much free time anyway.
Karyn yelled up the staircase to her son while the two detectives took a seat on the black leather couch.  They didn’t have to wait long for the eighteen-year-old, with an impressive head of dreadlocks to come down.  Maxwell was a wiry, tall kid with a lazy right eye, who wore a Bob Marley t-shirt and who had piercings up and down both his ears.  Daniels looked down at the case file in his hands and then back up at Maxwell.  With the exception of the piercings, young Maxwell looked exactly like the mugshot from the file, right down to the same put-out expression his mother was displaying.
“Maxwell, we’re with the Rockford police department.  We wanted to ask you a few questions about a case we’re working on,” Daniels stated, before the kid sat down on the matching leather sofa.
Maxwell raised an eyebrow, looking like he wanted to say something other than what he did say:
“Yeah, sure.”
“First off, where were you Wednesday night between 10pm and 2am?” Detective Daniels asked, looking down at his notepad.
Maxwell’s appearance changed from irritation to befuddlement.  He looked at his mother, who looked just as lost, before they looked back at the detectives.
“That’s a joke, right?” Karyn asked.
“Ma’am, can Maxwell answer our question, please?” Mike Eddington asked, flashing her an empty smile.
“Can you just tell us what this is all about?  Because whatever it is, I’m pretty sure Max was not wherever you think he was,” Karyn said, changing her gaze from Eddington back to Daniels.
Daniels cleared his throat and looked at Maxwell but directed his reply to his mother.
“We’re investigating the theft you might’ve heard about on the news up in Rockford about the cosmetics truck and the test animals.  We have reason to believe that Maxwell might have some information about it that could help us.”
Maxwell gave a chuckle and shook his head.
“Are you kiddin’ me, man?  I couldn’t have been there!”
“And why is that?” Eddington asked.
“Because I was in Chicago with a few of my friends spraypainting some warehouse.”
Daniels glanced at Eddington before looking back at Maxwell.  Not a rock solid alibi but an amusing one – admitting to a crime to avoid another, more serious, crime.
“We’ll need your friends’ names and where you were in the city,” Daniels said, scribbling the new information down on his notepad.
“Sure, and do you want the police officers’ names, too?” Maxwell scoffed.
Daniels jerked his head up before closing his notepad.
“You were arrested?”
Karyn clenched her jaw. “Yeah, and I had to go bail him out at one in the morning.”
“Precinct,” Eddington pressed.
“The Twelfth.”
Damn, so much for our only good lead, Daniels thought.
“Have you ever owned a blue and black Schwinn bicycle?” Daniels asked.  He might not have been there but maybe he knew who had used it.  They still had leverage to get information from him.  All was not lost.
Maxwell leaned back in his seat and looked at his mother with a look of disgust.
“Yeah, I used to.”
“And?  What happened to it, Max?” Eddington pushed.
“I got rid of it about two weeks ago,” Karyn interjected.  “After he was caught cheating on a biology test I threw it out as punishment.”
“Where’d you throw it out?” asked Daniels.
Karyn pointed out the window behind the two detectives.  In unison, the two detectives turned around and saw a large dumpster that stood within a wooden enclosure about fifty feet from the townhouses.
“I placed it against the wall.  I figured it wouldn’t take long for someone to take a free bike.”
Daniels could see Eddington’s shoulders droop slightly out of the corner of his eye.
“When’s the garbage picked up here?” Daniels asked.
“Every Wednesday.”
“Ever see any garbage pickers drive by?” Eddington chimed in.
Daniels studied Max for a moment and moved forward in his seat, staring at Max with a cold, hard stare.
“Max, did you give your bike to any of your friends, maybe without your mother knowing about it?  That’s a bike that could go for some nice change.”
Max licked his lower lip but held Daniels’s stare.
“I didn’t get the chance to.  It was gone by the time I got back from school that same day,” Max said.
“I sure hope so, because your bike was found near the crime scene, Max.  If we find out that you had anything to do with it, we will be back, and bail might not be set so low like it was the Wednesday night,” Daniels said as he and Eddington stood and walked toward the door.
The two detectives were back outside within moments after gathering the names and addresses of Maxwell’s friends.  Once they were outside, the two detectives stopped in their tracks along the paved walkway by the parking lot.  Eddington shook his head and gave Daniels an annoyed smile that he always had whenever things weren’t working out the way he wanted.
“So, our new list of suspects ranges from Maxwell, Maxwell’s friends, garbage pickers, neighbors, anyone walking or running by the townhouse complex, or anyone driving by on US-20 on whichever day Mrs. Rodgers happened to place the bike outside.  Do I have that right, Trevor?” Eddington asked, tapping a pen on his notepad and looking around at the ten townhouses.
Daniels stood in silence for a few moments to take in the scene.  He looked around the complex and at the row of windows that could easily see the dumpster.  He glanced across the side street at four homes that, despite a few elm trees lining the street, could also see the dumpsters.  This was going to take awhile as long as most of the residents weren’t out shopping.
“Rock, paper, scissors for who gets the townhouses and who gets the houses across the street,” Daniels suggested.  “Winner walks across the street.”
Eddington held his fist out and they pumped their fists once, twice, and then a third time.
“Aw, goddamn,” Eddington groaned, when he saw Daniels’s rock to his scissors.
“You always pick scissors, Mike.”  Daniels smiled.  “See you in an hour.”

It had been a very long Friday for Alexandra.  Nobody was shopping at her work since most people were still recovering from their food comas from Thanksgiving.  That left her and a few others in the meat department to stand around and do nothing but clean the glass display cases over and over again.  The monotony was only broken whenever John, a coworker with a head of lead, would say something stupid.
“Hey, Sunflower,” his annoying nickname for her, “I’m going on lunch.  Can I bring you back some sushi?”
Alexandra was cutting a chicken into pieces for a customer and nearly sliced her hand off when John called out.  She turned toward him with a look that must’ve been terrifying if his reaction was any indication.
“Please tell me you’re not asking me if I want sushi just because I’m Asian,” Alexandra said, “because if that’s the case, maybe I should go buy you a tampon for being such a bitch?”
Her customer was out of earshot, thankfully, and John’s only response was an awkward shrug of his shoulders before he hightailed it out of the department.  He ended up leaving her alone for the rest of the day.  She contemplated the possibility that her response was a bit out of proportion for what the situation called for but her frustration with Melissa had boiled over into her work.
The silence that permeated the store only helped reinforce Alexandra’s thoughts and guilt about keeping Melissa in the dark.  Not even Juan, her coworker in the department, could cheer her up despite his best efforts.  Alexandra looked down at her aqua blue watch with the peace sign in it every five minutes until she could punch out.
It was with little surprise that Alexandra was ecstatic to be able to leave and head back home so she could lock herself away in her room for a few hours.  Maybe her addiction to the Hitchcock movies that her dad had gotten her hooked on as a kid would help her escape her own misery.  As she weaved between cars on her motorbike, Alexandra silently cursed Melissa for ruining what was supposed to be her greatest accomplishment.  By the time she pulled into her driveway on her sleepy street in Roselle and into the garage, her anger had subsided long enough for her to enjoy the aroma coming from inside her house.
After kicking off her filthy meat and blood-spattered shoes, Alex stumbled into the kitchen to find her mother, Ophelia, quickly preparing what would become their vegan feast that night.  Ophelia, with her blonde locks pulled back into a tight bun, gave her daughter a quick smile before looking back down at the large pot that was cooking on the stove.
“Mashed sweet potatoes with green onions,” Ophelia noted, eliciting a loud rumble from Alex’s starving stomach.
At the kitchen table, staring at his laptop, was Alex’s dad, Nathan, who looked up long enough to sigh and roll his eyes at his daughter.
“Everything okay, dad?” Alex asked, walking past him toward her mother, who tried to shoo her away from the food.
“Only if you want to write this e-mail that Mark wants me to write by Monday morning.  I have to admonish the criminal behavior of this Animal Avenger nutcase but do it in a way that shows we’re not too concerned about him.”
Mark, Nate’s boss and friend from college, often dumped the crappy jobs he didn’t feel like dealing with on Nate’s doorstep.
“Doesn’t the fact that you’re having to write an e-mail about one minor crime already show that you’re too concerned with this Avenger guy?” Alex asked, snatching a carrot from a bowl on the counter.
“Exactly, dear,” Nathan smirked.  “Welcome to the wonderful world of PR Hell.”
Alex bent over and wrapped an arm around her dad’s shoulder, squeezing gently.
“You’ll think of something, dad.  Mom tells me you’re kind of smart.”
Ophelia laughed in between stealing carrots for herself.
“Oh, thank you, daughter of mine.”  Nathan threw a pistachio at Alex from the bowl he had next to him as she headed out of the kitchen.  “If I ever meet this idiot, I’m going to strangle him myself.  He’s becoming a bigger headache for me than for the police.”
Alex, with her back to her parents, cringed.  She never thought her actions would be something her dad would ever have to deal with.  The day just kept getting better and better.

It was three o’clock by the time Detectives Daniels and Eddington had finished canvassing the entire Meadow Springs Townhouse area.  They had talked with only a handful of residents in the morning before deciding to break for lunch.  From there, they had gone back to hit the places they had missed earlier in the day.  Once again, they found themselves standing along the walkway near the dumpster bin as the traffic began to increase and the day’s glow began to wane.
“Not a damn thing.  I can’t believe it!  Not one person remembers seeing the bike by the dumpster.  That bike must’ve been swiped pretty damn quickly.  Maybe Max texted a friend and the friend took it?  Either way, please tell me we didn’t drive all the way out to Bartlett for nothing, Trevor,” Mike Eddington pleaded.
It wasn’t a complete waste of their time.  They did confirm that the bike found near the crime scene belonged, at some point, to Maxwell Rodgers.  It was the only anomaly found around the scene and until they could get their hands on Anna Marie’s hate mail and the video footage from Midway Airport, this was their best lead.  So, Eddington was right; either Maxwell lied and he sold it to someone or someone swiped it as they passed by the dumpster.  At the very least, the suspect could be tied from Rockford to the Bartlett area.
Eddington was mumbling to himself as he headed toward the car when Daniels caught sight of a vegetable stand on the other side of US-20.  Monica’s Fruits & Veggies had a clear view of the dumpster that sat near the townhouses of Meadow Springs.  It was their last chance until they could track down the garbage pickers who patrolled the neighborhood next week.
“Hey, Mike, I have a long shot idea,” Daniels called out, quickly walking to the driver-side door.
“Everything with this case is a long shot,” Eddington huffed.
The two got into their unmarked silver car and drove across to the decent sized vegetable stand being manned by a teenage girl with long, braided, brunette hair and a woman who appeared to be the older version of the teenager.  The two walked past customers who picked through various bushels full of cucumbers, green and yellow zucchinis, red and green bell peppers, fat violet eggplants, green and red apples, huge oranges, and piles of corn.  Despite the cooler temperatures the stand still managed to attract a decent amount of people.  The older woman with the graying brunette hair came up to greet the two detectives as they approached the counter.
“Hello, gentlemen, how can I help you all?” she asked with a giant smile that gave way to a smoker’s row of yellow teeth.
“Ma’am, I’m Detective Daniels and this is Detective Eddington, and we’re with the Rockford police department.  Do you mind if we just ask your assistant and you some questions?”
The woman momentarily paused before shaking her head and regaining her warm glow.
“Uh, yeah, of course, detective.  Sorry, we just don’t get many police officers pulling up,” she cackled.
“Probably too busy at the 7-11, ma’am,” said Eddington.
The woman, whom the detectives learned was the one and only Monica, brought them around the counter so they could talk to her and the younger woman, Stephanie.
“What time do you all work here?” Daniels began.
“Well, since it’s the fall, we usually don’t open up until noon.  Then we close up and are out by five,” Monica huffed, sitting her hefty body onto a high stool.
Daniels’s heart sank as he fell against the counter for support.  Not a very big window.
“Oh, but we only changed over a week ago,” Stephanie said, continuing to ring a customer out.
Daniels nearly jumped into the air when he heard this.
“What where your hours before?”  He had to choke back his excitement.
“Nine in the morning,” Monica answered.  That was a bit better.
“Ladies, do either of you remember seeing a woman placing a bike against that dumpster across the street?” Eddington asked, pointing to the wooden enclosure.
Both Monica and Stephanie scrunched their eyes, focusing on the site as if it would elicit a memory if they just stared hard enough.  Monica shook her head as she raised her arms in defeat.
“I’m sorry officers but I’m usually too busy to pay attention to anything other than setting up and watching the customers.”
Yet, Stephanie kept staring across the street.
“How about you, Stephanie?” Eddington asked.
Stephanie rapped her fingers on the thick wood counter as she hemmed and hawed for the longest time.  Daniels and Eddington both felt their hearts thumping in their chests and prayed that the girl saw someone take the bike.  They needed a break in the case and they needed one badly.
“I vaguely remember a woman putting a bike out there.  I had just pulled into the lot that morning around eight-thirty when she threw the bike against the wall,” Stephanie said, turning to Daniels and lowering her eyes in disappointment, “but the bike was gone before we left that day.”
“You didn’t happen to see anyone around the bike, did you?  A garbage truck?  FedEx?  A van?  Anything?” Eddington asked, desperation seeping into his voice.
Stephanie shook her head.
“I don’t remember.”
Daniels gave a faint smile and nodded at Stephanie.
“Don’t worry, Stephanie, it’s not a problem at all.”  He hoped he sounded more comforting than he thought he was being.
The two detectives walked back to their car with yet another blow to their case.  This left only the hate mail from Anna Marie and the video tapes from Midway to pin their hopes on for a viable lead.  They would have to find a break in this case fast otherwise their superior officer was going to shut the case down.  A case where nobody was hurt and a few small pet shop animals were missing did not warrant a long investigation.  At least, not until the public spotlight died away from the Animal Avenger angle.
Daniels let out a loud groan as he sat back in his seat and slapped the wheel in front of him.
“Damn, Mike, who is this guy?  I mean, there is nothing left behind at the scene to identify this guy or the vehicle he came in except this bike.  Yet, the only fingerprint on the bike belongs to a kid too busy getting arrested two hours away from Rockford!  A kid, by the way, who just so happens to get rid of his bike two weeks before the crime goes down.  So, what, our perp just happens to spend a month planning this crime with nobody noticing and just happens to come across an abandoned bike that – on the spur of the moment – they decide would come in handy in their crime?!” Daniels cried out as Eddington nodded in agreement.
“Don’t forget the fact that they had to have had some other transportation standing by when they dumped the bike,” Eddington added.
“I know!  Who the hell are we dealing with here?  Batman?” Daniels bellowed, his face turning red.
“No, Trevor, not Batman,” Eddington gave a defeated smile.  “The Animal Avenger.”

Six o’clock rolled around and Alexandra was bursting at the seams to dive head first into the feast being laid out before her.  For such a small, thin woman, Alexandra could sure pack away the food.  How could she not help shoving piles of food into her mouth when it looked as good as the meal her mother had put together?  Not only was there her mother’s famous mashed sweet potatoes with green onions, but the feast had grown to include vegetable stuffed pumpkin, steamed broccoli with olive oil and crushed garlic sprinkled over it, roasted butternut squash with green apples and red onions with an olive oil drizzle, and a giant kale salad with cranberries, grape tomatoes, diced cucumbers, and a maple pecan dressing.  Last, but not least, the trio had the choice of either a peach pie or a pumpkin pie with rice whip topping or vanilla almond milk ice cream.  It was a meal too big for the three of them.
Just as Alexandra was seconds from sitting down at the table the doorbell rang.  Since her mother had collapsed into her chair and had given Alex a look that said she wasn’t getting back up and since her father was putting the finishing touches on the e-mail he’d procrastinated on, it was up to Alexandra to pull herself away from the table.  When she opened the door she was surprised to see Melissa standing in front of her.  She had hoped Melissa would show up but with the way things ended the other night, she had blocked out that possibility.
“Hey,” Melissa said faintly.  She pulled her bright red wool cap off of her head and unzipped her jean jacket before walking inside.
“Didn’t think you would show up,” Alexandra said, standing aside for Melissa to enter.
“Me neither but it was either a full meal for free or McDonald’s,” Melissa replied as she entered the small hallway before entering the dining room.
“Did you mention McDonald’s in my household, Mel?” Ophelia called out as they entered the dining room.
“My mistake, Mrs. Arcos,” Melissa said, taking her usual seat at the table.
“We’re glad you could help us devour the meal, meat-eater.  Hope it lives up to your standards,” Nathan added in-between chewing the food he was already shoving into his mouth.
Melissa laughed as she piled the food onto her plate.
“I think I’ll survive, Mr. Arcos.”
For the first several minutes, Alexandra noticed that Melissa was avoiding eye contact with her.  She was pleasant enough with her parents but she was working hard to miss Alexandra’s gaze.  At least she was there.  For Alexandra, that was a huge victory and she was happy with that.  The conversation was minimal as all four shoveled the food away with gusto but about halfway through the meal, Melissa decided to make conversation with Nathan.
“So, Mr. Arcos, I hear you’ve got to deal with this Animal Avenger idiot, huh?” Melissa inquired.
Alexandra hoped her face wasn’t turning as red as she thought it was.
“Just part of the fun of heading an anti-animal cruelty organization, Mel.  My partner thinks one act by some random nut deserves more attention than it really does,” Nathan answered.
“I thought you were also against what the Avenger did?” Melissa finally glanced at Alexandra as she took a sip of red wine.
“I am.  I wrestled with this, too, but by the time I realized that ignoring the Avenger was the better option right now, my partner had decided something different.  Oh well, in a week’s time nobody will remember something so banal as a pig-masked vigilante,” Nathan said, waving the whole concept away with his knife in the air.
“What if the Avenger decides to make a second appearance?” Alexandra spoke up.  This time, Alex turned toward Melissa and raised an eyebrow at her friend.
Nathan tilted his head to consider the point.
“It would be pretty stupid of him to do so, darling,” Nathan said after contemplating the question.
“Why?” Alex asked.
Nathan smiled and said, “Well, let’s just say he gets away with this crime.  Luck is not on his side in the age of forensics and surveillance cameras.”
Alexandra caught Melissa’s smug look from across the table.  She wanted to fling a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes at Mel.
Nathan saw the look Melissa had given Alex but misinterpreted the message.
“Don’t mind Alex too much, Mel.  I think our vegan activist here has taken a shine to the Avenger’s strong-armed ways.”
Melissa gave a weak laugh before inhaling another forkful of squash but Nathan wasn’t finished with his thought.
“Besides, Alex, this guy probably will let his identity slip to someone, whether it’s intentional or not, and a secret can’t be kept forever.  No, if you ask me, if the masked nut decides to strike again, the police just need to offer a reward for information and they’ll grab this guy in two seconds.”
The words hung out there like a weight that was dragging Alexandra down.  As Ophelia and Nathan hurried to take the dishes away to make space for dessert, Melissa sat back and folded her arms as she studied Alexandra, who did the same thing to Melissa.  Was her secret safe with Melissa?  She had always been trustworthy up to that point but how far did that trustworthiness go?  Alexandra brushed the thoughts away and chalked it up to her own paranoid delusions.  She had been so concerned about being caught that every little problem seemed to blow up into a full-fledged crisis.
Before Alexandra could push the thought away she must’ve had a look on her face, because Melissa’s eyes widened and her jaw drooped before regaining composure when Alexandra’s parents brought out the two pies.  The two friends had always joked that they could read each other’s mind but could Melissa figure out just how deep Alexandra’s mistrust apparently went?  Whatever Melissa was thinking about, it didn’t show for the rest of the dinner.  The quartet was able to finish the desserts without another mention of the Animal Avenger or Ophelia’s fondness for strawberry wine coolers.  As soon as dessert was finished, however, Melissa tried to end the evening as quickly as possible.
“I guess I should be going.  I have a project for bio that needs to be finished by Monday,” she explained.
“Speaking of school, did the study session go well the other night?” Ophelia asked, taking another sip from her wine cooler.
Melissa’s forehead furrowed in confusion and she glanced at Alex, whose eyes had grown two sizes and looked like she was silently screaming at Mel with her mind.
“Huh?  For what?”  Melissa looked like they were speaking Cantonese to her.
“For your English class.  Alex said she was helping you with your Shakespeare Wednesday night,” Nathan replied as he began to load the dishwasher with the plates Ophelia was handing him.
Melissa shot Alex a dirty look before the smile she had plastered on her face for most of the night returned.
“Oh, right, sorry.  I’ve been doing so much studying that I nearly forgot.  I guess the studying went well enough but even after all of her help I still don’t know if I soaked anything up,” Melissa said with a hint of annoyance at the end that Alex’s parents didn’t detect.
“I’m sure you’ll do fine, dear,” Ophelia said, giving Alex a look that read ‘dear god, I can only pray that girl does well’ behind Melissa’s back.
“I’m going to walk Mel out,” Alex said, rushing to catch up to Melissa, who was already grabbing her coat and sliding on her cap.
It wasn’t until the two of them were outside and in front of Melissa’s blue Honda Civic that they started to talk.
“Wait, Mel, stop for a second, please.  I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about that.  After our argument the other night my cover story was the last thing on my mind,” Alex blurted out in a hushed voice.
“It doesn’t matter,” Melissa shot back, spinning around on her heels.  “Had I not found out about your crime, you would’ve told me a lie to cover up for your other lie.”
“Is that what you would’ve preferred?”
“I would’ve preferred you not to have held the guy up,” Melissa said, catching herself before her voice verged on yelling loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear, and then whispered, “and don’t think I didn’t catch that look on your face when your father said someone would turn you in.”
Alex’s face turned red.  Melissa had seen the look.
“Mel, I know you wouldn’t turn on me,” Alex said meekly.
“You could’ve fooled me.  You know, I came over tonight to give you this…” Melissa fished about her tiny purse that dangled from her shoulder and pulled out a flyer, handing it to Alex.
Alex took the flyer and saw that it was for the local community center.  On the cover was a picture of a middle-aged Hispanic woman dressed in a black and red gym outfit engaging in a combative pose with a younger blonde girl.  Above the photo was the caption, “Daliah’s Women’s Defense Class – Tuesdays at 8 O’clock”.  Alex held it up as if she had no clue why she was handed the flyer.
“What’s this for?”
Mel could tell when her friend was truly lost and when she just wanted to hear Mel say something just for the sake of it.
“I thought you could use it.  If you’re going to get rid of that ridiculous toy gun of yours, then you’re going to need to learn how to protect yourself,” Melissa huffed.  “It’s not like I want you to get killed just because you’re an idiot.”
Alex smirked.
“I love you, too, Mel.”
Melissa folded her arms but then shot her middle finger at Alex.
“This doesn’t mean I agree with what you’re doing, Alex.  I’m dead serious.  I’m not going to tell your parents but I won’t be your Robin, either.  Just promise me you’ll go, okay?”
Alex stared at the flyer while Melissa got into the car and started it up, Britney Spears blasted from the speakers momentarily before Melissa could turn the volume down to a whisper.  She lowered her window and kept staring at Alex, studying her, trying to see if Alex was preparing to lie to her again.  Finally, Alex nodded at Melissa and brought her eyes up to meet Melissa’s.
“I will,” Alex finally said.
Melissa must’ve seen something in Alex that told her it was the truth because she let out a tired, relieved sigh before turning back toward the wheel.  She was reaching for the gearshift before Alex placed her hand on the car door and was on the verge of saying something when Melissa cut her off.
“I’ll call you but only when I feel up to it,” she answered Alex’s silence, “but not before.”
Alex took a step back from Melissa’s car as she drove the car out from the driveway and pulled away into the night.  The wind started to pick up and she felt a chill spread down her back while she watched Melissa drive off.  She looked back down at the flyer and sighed.  Her friend worried too much.  It wasn’t as if Alexandra had any major plans to bust down doors or get into fistfights.  Alex would’ve been better off had Ophelia known what she was up to.  She’d probably give the class one or two tries just so she can say she went whenever Melissa planned to ask her about it.
Alexandra was not going to be caught.  She was the Animal Avenger now and as long as she kept her head in the game, she wasn’t going to be stopped.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chapter 1

     It was just past midnight on one of Illinois’s many country roads when Eddie noticed the fire burning a quarter mile ahead on the road.  As a driver for an Anna Marie Cosmetics research facility, it was his job to ferry test animals from Midway Airport to the facility outside of Rockford.  He rarely took the back roads but it was Thanksgiving weekend and the expressways were jammed with drivers trying to either escape family gatherings or head to them at the last minute.  Eddie could only think about his wife’s stuffed turkey that practically melted in his mouth and the mounds of mashed potatoes he consumed each year.  Tomorrow was going to be the feast to end all hearty feasts at his household.  The images in his mind were enough to make his stomach roar with hunger and being stuck in the holiday traffic was not appealing to him in the least.  It didn’t help that the state was doing major construction on I-90, narrowing each direction down to one lane for six miles.
Eddie slowed the truck down and stopped fifty feet from what appeared to be several tree branches that were lit on fire and strewn across the road, blocking him from getting across.  He sighed heavily and banged on the back of his cabin, trying to quiet the small animals that were located in the back.  He was already late getting back to the facility and now he was going to have to backtrack and find another route out of here.
“Teenagers,” he mumbled, shaking his head.
Shifting his weight toward the driver’s side window, Eddie reached for the cellphone in his back pocket to call the fire in.  As he leaned closer to the door, Eddie glanced at the window, which was quickly glossing over with condensation from his labored breathing.  That’s when his eyes caught sight of a dark figure emerging from the shadows off the side of the road.  The glow of the fire illuminated a slender person dressed all in black but Eddie couldn’t make out whether the person was a man or a woman thanks to a pig mask that covered their entire face.  Eddie jumped back in his seat, jerking hard on his seatbelt, as he noticed the handgun that the masked figure was holding at its side.
His heart raced as the pig-face took a few slow steps toward the truck, each step seeming to give the person more confidence because the gun was now pointing straight at Eddie.  They were both frozen in place for what seemed like an eternity.  It was as if whoever it was was trying to figure out what to do next.
“Get out,” came a soft, muffled voice that Eddie barely heard through the pig mask.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, wishing this would all just go away.  The animals wailing in the back and the crackling of the fire were the only noises that Eddie could hear over the fierce pounding of his own heart.
“Get out!” the pig-face repeated more forcefully.
Eddie nodded, unbuckled his seat, reached for the door, and pulled on the handle, swinging the door open.  He nervously fumbled around a bit, trying to prop his stocky build against the doorframe in order to pull himself out.
The person in the black hoodie took a step back and shifted their balance on the gravel along the roadside.  Against the backdrop of the fire that crackled and popped, the pig mask was even more menacing than the gun.  Eddie pictured every bad horror movie his wife had ever made him watch and cursed himself for adding more mental images of what might happen.  Lord, his heart was beating fast!
Eddie stood with his arms raised to the sky but his legs felt like rubber.  He wasn’t sure if he could stand for much longer.
“Open the back,” the figure ordered, waving the gun toward the truck.
The back?  Oh, god, was he going to die surrounded by the animals whose fates had looked less promising than Eddie’s just five minutes earlier?
“Please, I’ll give you the wallet – anything – just don’t do anything crazy,” Eddie pleaded, but he supposed that ship had sailed the moment a person would put on a pig’s mask on a day that wasn’t Halloween.  He still hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Move,” the pig-face said, shaking the gun at Eddie.
Eddie nodded and walked toward the truck’s rear door, frantically looking around for anyone who might come to his rescue.  Besides the car lights streaming along the backed-up interstate in the distance, there were no other car lights to be seen.
“Open the door.”
Eddie turned toward the truck and began unlocking the heavy metal pad that kept the door held down.  He then pulled the creaky, rust-covered door upward.  It slid up the track and made a loud clanging noise when it came to a stop.  The noise startled the masked figure before it swiftly regained its composure, now gripping the gun with both hands.
“Get in there and open the cages,” came the pig-face’s next command.
Eddie’s face scrunched up in confusion as he glanced over at his captor.
“What?  Look, just take my wallet, please, and leave.  I promise -,”
Now, damn it!  Unlock the cages, now, or else.”  The pig-face shook the gun again, as if it had to remind Eddie it still held the weapon in its hands.
Whoever this person was, despite the muffled effect the mask was having on their voice, Eddie could make out a more falsetto pitch.
“Look, kid, the cops will be here soon, just go,” Eddie begged.
“I’m not a fucking kid!  Get in there,” the figure repeated and this time Eddie could tell they were trying to speak in a deeper tone.
Hoping to calm the figure down, Eddie complied and got into the truck’s interior.  Slowly, he began unlocking the cages of the various rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs that were cowering in confusion.  As a few of the cage doors began to swing open, some of the animals began to leap out and onto the truck’s floor.  Eddie seemed to recoil in fear of catching something from them but kept unlocking the cages as the masked figure stood silently outside the doorway.  One by one, the animals hopped, jumped, and scurried off of the truck, running past their hooded liberator, in a mad dash for freedom.
Once all the animals had been freed, Eddie turned toward the pig-face and raised his hands as if to say, “I’m done, what next?”
The pig-face took a few steps back and motioned toward the door.
“Close yourself inside the truck,” the figure paused before adding, “and toss out your phone.”
When Eddie heard the figure tell him to close himself inside, he figured he was home free.  All he had to do was just call the cops after he was left alone.  Not any more.
He reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulled out his cell, and held it out for the pig-face to take.
“Slide it over, fat man,” the figure said with more confidence now that their objective had been met.
Eddie did what he was told and slid the phone across the floor, a loud metal rattling echoing through the truck.  The pig-face took the phone, took five steps back, and threw it into the acres of wheat fields that lined the stretch of road.  Eddie could hear a distant banging of his phone as it hit the hardening November soil.  It was going to take him forever to find that damn thing.
The pig-face told Eddie to close the door and once Eddie was alone in the pitch black, he could hear footsteps moving along the side of the truck followed by a light clanging.  Eddie squinted his eyes, not knowing why he needed to squint his eyes in pitch black, and tried to hear what the pig-face figure was doing outside.  He got his answer within moments as the familiar hiss of an aerosol can could be heard.  Somebody was spraypainting the side of his work truck.
Eddie collapsed onto the truck floor and gave a loud exhale as the figure sprayed up and down the side of the truck.  Once the masked figure finished painting, it called out to Eddie:
“Count to fifty – loud – before coming out.  If we don’t hear counting, we’ll come back and do worse.”
We?  Was this fool bluffing or what?
Eddie complied and began counting.
“1… 2… 3… 4…”
Eddie heard a loud pop followed by a long hissing noise from the back of the truck.  A rear tire had just been slashed.  He really wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon.
“4?” The figure shouted.
“5… 6… 7…”

Detective Trevor Daniels approached the cordoned-off crime scene with an equal mix of confusion and intrigue.  It wasn’t every day he came across a crime scene as odd as this one out in one of Illinois’s quieter corners.  There were the drug busts, the murders, and thefts, of course, but attacking some cosmetic’s truck?  The scene was already covered by a number of uniformed officers, a forensics crew, a fire truck, and an ambulance crew tending to a pudgy middle-aged man.  There was a surprising lack of reporters at this point but Daniels supposed that that would be short-lived once the temperatures grew a bit more inviting as the day wore on.
Or maybe only the police had to work on Thanksgiving.  His girlfriend was going to kill him if he didn’t get home by the time her parents showed up for dinner.
He flashed his badge as the uniformed officer lifted the police tape up for Daniels to walk under.
“Welcome to the great animal escape of 2011, detective,” came a call from the front of the parked truck.
Detective Daniels was able to pull his eyes away from the spraypainted message that was scrawled across the truck long enough to see his partner of ten years, Detective Mike Eddington, approach him.  The detective, five years younger than Daniels, still looked the same as he had when he first joined the force.  Daniels absentmindedly rubbed his slowly expanding waistline and tried to remember when he’d last been to the gym.
“What the hell is all of this, Mike?” Daniels asked, waving his arm at the truck.
Detective Eddington held up a finger as he flipped through his notepad.
“At just around midnight, Edward Knampf, was heading northbound on his way to the Anna Marie Cosmetic’s research facility just outside of Rockford -,”
“The what research facility?” Daniels interrupted.
A firefighter that was walking by stopped in his tracks.
“Anna Marie Cosmetics.  Some big beauty company based in the Rockford area,” the older firefighter replied.
Both detectives looked at him with a sly smile but he just rolled his eyes and held up his ring finger.
“Being married for twenty-two years means you pick up a few things from your wife, detectives.”
“God help us,” Daniels shook his head.
“May I continue?” Eddington asked as Daniels nodded.
“The driver sees a fire blocking the road and pulls to a stop here,” he pointed to the truck before continuing, “and moments later, a masked figure dressed all in black emerged somewhere from this side of the road.”
The two detectives looked out at the tall stalks of golden wheat that lined the side of the road, half-expecting the same perp to emerge from the overgrown fields that hadn’t been harvested.
“Anyone own the fields here?”
“Not since the former owner died and nobody was left the property so it went to the bank.  Anyway, the figure, wearing a pig mask -,”
“I’m sorry?” Detective Daniels interrupted yet again.
“A pig mask.  Can I finish?”  Detective Daniels nodded.  “The figure walked up to the driver holding a gun in their hand and demanded he exit the vehicle.  He complied and then Babe the pig asked him to open the back door of the truck.  Once he did, Babe asked him to release all the passengers and when he finished his job, Babe had him close the door on himself.”
Detective Daniels had made his way to the back of the truck and made a cursory look around the inside.  Small little cages lined the walls of the truck while animal droppings covered the ground.
“When did the call come in?”
Detective Eddington glanced at his notepad.
Daniels looked at his watch and hit the LED backlight.  Four-thirty in the morning.  His body was not loving these early mornings any more.
“Why didn’t our mystery figure lock the door?  If it wasn’t locked then why did the driver wait to call 911?  Did he have to walk to the nearest gas station?”  Daniels looked around the area for the nearest gas station sign but saw nothing.
“He said that Babe asked for his cell phone and ended up tossing it into the field.  It took him that long to find where his cell had landed.”
“Lucky guy.  Good thing his cell still worked after hitting the soil.  Did the techs get anything yet?” Daniels pulled out a notepad and began taking down Eddington’s recap as well as a few thoughts of his own.
“No track marks so far and nothing from the fields but since the driver can’t be absolutely sure where the figure emerged from, it’s going to take some time.”  Eddington tapped his notepad and looked around before adding, “There’s a lot of field to comb through.”
Daniels grunted his agreement.
The two walked over to the pudgy man the EMTs had been helping and introduced themselves to Edward Knampf.  Daniels proceeded to ask Edward many of the same questions again and could tell Edward was getting a tad annoyed by the redundancy.
“Did you recognize the voice at all?” Daniels asked.
“No, I could barely make out what he, she – whatever – said because of that damn mask.  I don’t know many people who’d go around hijacking test subject animals, sorry,” Eddie huffed.
Thanks to Eddie’s haggard look, with his scraggly rust red beard and his hair that shot out in a hundred different ways, he looked like he had been a test subject himself.
“Just going over everything, Edward, okay?  Did you hear any engines start up after you were put into the truck’s interior?”
“None,” Eddie paused, “but I thought I heard rocks being ridden over.  Kind of like they were riding a bike or something.”
Daniels had noted there weren’t many housing developments in this area, just businesses along the expressway and a few farms.  If somebody rode a bike, they would’ve gotten a good workout.
“Do you often take the back roads instead of the expressway?”  It was one of the first questions to pique Daniels’ curiosity.  If he didn’t, then how did the perp know where to lay his trap?  If he did, just how many people knew of his route?  Daniels hoped it wouldn’t be a long list.
Edward shook his head but pointed toward the expressway.
“The last month or so I’ve been taking this road only when the traffic’s gotten bad.  Anna Marie only gets their shipment of animals every Wednesday night, however, and I drive them straight to the facility.”
A pattern in the driver’s routine wouldn’t be hard for someone to follow if they were following him long enough.  But a month’s wait before striking?  That was some heavy duty surveillance for your average heist.  Daniels asked if Edward took the same trip at the same time and he confirmed that he generally did, barring any traffic delays.  So the perp could’ve just sat around and waited for Edward to pass by and if anyone else happened to arrive on the scene first, they could’ve just snuck away amongst the fields without anyone seeing them.
“Did the person who held you up say or do anything odd?” Eddington asked as Daniels scribbled furiously in his notepad.
“You mean besides wear a pig mask?  I don’t think so,” Eddie replied before noting, “but they did say ‘we’ before leaving.”
Daniels looked up from his notepad and looked at Eddington who just shook his head and shrugged.
“Did you see or hear anyone else other than the person who held you up?”
“No, but I wasn’t going to tempt fate and find out.”
“Fair enough.  Well, Mr. Knampf, once they’re done with you here, you’re free to go.  We’ll be in contact if we have any other questions.  If you think of anything else, just give us a call, okay?” Daniels said, handing Edward his card and sliding his notepad into his jacket pocket.
The two detectives were heading to confer with the techs when Edward suddenly called out behind them.
“Hey, detective!  I couldn’t tell much but I did notice that the person had a higher pitched voice.”
Daniels and Eddington shared the same expression as they looked at each other before looking back at the driver.  Edward continued with his thought.
“For a moment there, I almost thought I was being held-up by a kid, if that helps,” Edward shrugged.
Daniels took the moon-bathed scene in one more time as the wind whipped his thick blonde hair around.  What a clusterfuck, he thought.

The same morning Alexandra Arcos came stumbling down the stairs of her two-story home in the Chicago suburb of Roselle, craving the strong coffee her mother had already begun brewing.  The twenty-two-year-old barely slept after her late night in Rockford.  The images of the truck driver staring at her with his terrified eyes and the animals rushing past her were still fresh in her mind.  Alexandra rubbed her eyes before looking up at the family photos of two pasty-skinned adults with their petite Chinese daughter they adopted which lined the walls.  The scenes of her childhood seemed to clash with the scenes from last night.
She passed the upright piano her family had inherited from Alexandra’s grandmother two years ago and ran her fingers across the ivory keys, hoping the sound would keep her mind from wandering back to last night.  It had been her intention to learn how to play it eventually.  Maybe after the holidays, she thought.
“Good morning, Alex, and Happy Thanksgiving,” came her father’s voice from the kitchen.  “We thought you were going to be late for work.”
Alexandra grumbled, running her hand through her short-cropped, jet-black hair, as she entered the kitchen to find her dad, Nathan, sitting at the table and already on his laptop.  Her mother, Ophelia, was running around the kitchen, furiously making herself the meal she would have at work.  Ophelia glanced up at Alexandra, smiled, and nodded toward the coffee.
“Pot’s all set.”
Alexandra shuffled to the fridge, passing her father and briefly glancing at the news article he was reading at the table.  As she passed by, she caught a glimpse of a headline titled, “Vigilante Frees Animal Test Subjects”, but was still in her morning haze and it didn’t quite register.  It wasn’t until she had opened the fridge and reached in for the almond milk creamer that her eyes bugged-out.  Her heart kicked into overdrive when she stood back up and closed the fridge door behind her.
“Whatcha reading, dad?” Alexandra had to choke back the raised tone in her voice as she headed for the coffee.  Not that she needed the caffeine boost now.
“About some nutjob what else?” Nathan shrugged and shook his head without looking up.
Alexandra nodded but didn’t want to push the topic.  She continued getting coffee as her mom whizzed past her, grabbing her keys, travel mug, purse, and every other thing she needed before heading to the law office.  This was the pace Ophelia had maintained for the majority of Alexandra’s life.  It was the main reason Ophelia and Nathan had decided to adopt Alexandra from China when she was only two years old.  Ophelia, a self-described workaholic, simply didn’t have the time to have a baby the old-fashioned way.  Not that Alexandra minded, having grown used to the pace of her mom’s job and finding no problem with the money it brought in.  It was, after all, the reason Alexandra had received that sweet motorbike for her previous birthday.
“You were at Melissa’s late,” Ophelia said on one of her pass-bys.  Melissa was Alexandra’s best friend since kindergarten and her go-to cover story whenever Alexandra needed one.
“She needed help with Shakespeare and for some reason she thought that since my mom’s name was Ophelia, I had some secret understanding of his works,” Alexandra replied, having rehearsed this line a few dozen times.
“That girl’s going to need a lot more help if she thinks that.  And she wants to be a nurse?  God help us all,” Ophelia called out, exiting the kitchen. “See you tonight!”
“Don’t forget that we’re having Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow since your mom’s going to be at work all day,” Nathan said to Alexandra in-between sips from his “#1 Dad” coffee mug.
Alexandra grunted her response at her dad, who was still reading over the news.  Alexandra was burning with desire to know what that article said but she didn’t want to elicit a diatribe from her dad.  Anything related to animals had the potential to elicit a long conversation.  But curiosity was getting the best of Alexandra and she was running out of time before she had to be at work, too.
“So, what nutjob were you reading about today, dad,” Alexandra asked, taking a seat across from him.
Nathan glanced up, looking over his black-rimmed glasses, before shaking his head at his daughter.
“Last night some idiot held up some cosmetic company’s truck outside of Rockford and released all of the animals they were going to use for testing.
Alexandra tried to fain shock and hoped she was doing a good job of it.  Acting was never her strong suit.  She asked if anyone was hurt but Nathan shook his head, pushing his laptop away as he leaned back in his seat.
“No, thank god, but this kind of thing pisses me off.  Vigilantism is not helpful when legitimate organizations and ordinary citizens are trying to make real change against animal cruelty.”
“What?  Didn’t you say they freed the test animals?  That sounds like something real to me,” Alexandra said, reaching for the laptop and reading over the article.
“You’re taking that debate team role from last year too seriously, Alex.” Her dad winked at her before continuing on.  “Perhaps I could get behind it, in theory, but the animal right’s movement does not need some insane person going around and holding people up at gunpoint.  Now every vegan, vegetarian, or just anyone who cares about animals will be looked at like we’re dangerous and insane.  We’re already scrutinized and criticized enough as it is.  Nobody’s going to take us seriously with this sort of extremism going on.”
Alexandra pondered this for a few moments.  The gun might not have been her smartest move but at least it was just a toy gun; and at least for her sake, the guy couldn’t tell that in the dark.  She was starting to feel anxious about the whole thing, half-expecting the cops to come bursting through the front door at any moment. She got back up from her chair and walked to the sink just to keep herself moving about.  If she was going to have a fan, she figured it would’ve been her father, Mr. Animal Activist himself.
“Dad, I don’t think you have to worry about it.  You’re the head of the largest animal advocacy group in the entire Midwest.  This is just one small person,” Alexandra stated as she grabbed a banana and orange off the fruit basket on the kitchen island.
“Vice-president,” Nathan corrected, “but like the old saying goes, it only takes one bad apple.”
Alexandra had been planning this for over a month and thought she had taken every precaution possible.  From what the article said, they didn’t have any leads and had only recovered three of the two dozen animals that were in that truck.  Score one for the good guys, right?  She was starting to get annoyed at her dad for not being capable of seeing the good in all of this.
She was about to exit the room to take a shower when her dad added, “Did you also see what the vandal wrote on the truck?  I might not agree with their tactics but they do have a flare for the dramatic.”
Alexandra spun around and looked up at her father, who was now leaning back, folding his arms with a grin spreading across his face.
The Animal Uprising Begins.  Somebody’s been watching a bit too much Planet of the Apes, huh?”
Alexandra smirked.  Ah, the joys of having a film buff for a father.

The two detectives were back at the police station in Rockford and had collapsed into their chairs.  Daniels groaned as he ran his hands over his face while Eddington hunched over his desk and began tapping his cheap plastic pen on the desk.  They hadn’t gained much information in the last six hours but they did find an abandoned bike that was located about three miles down the road.  Unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to gain any information off it so far.
That’s when the phone on his desk rang for the first time today.
“Ah, eight o’clock and your first call, Trev.  Reporter or the lab?” Eddington asked.
Daniels scoffed.
“This early?  Reporter.”
“I’ll get the coffee then,” Eddington replied, getting up from his seat and heading for the coffeemaker.
Daniels picked up the phone and identified himself.
“Hello, this is Stacy Walters from WNCU-5.  I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the Animal Avenger story?” came the perky voice from the other end of the line.
“Pardon me?  The what?” Daniels asked after rolling his eyes.
“The Animal Avenger.  Wasn’t an Anna Marie Cosmetics truck held up this morning and weren’t the test animals being shuttled on the truck freed?” the intrepid reporter inquired.
The detective let out a long sigh.  He thought all the reporters were being directed to his boss, Sergeant Richard Stevens.  Daniels hated dealing with reporters.
“My boss released a statement about the case earlier this morning, ma’am, and as for the name, Animal Avenger, I can say that such labels have not been applied by anyone associated with the case.  I also strongly urge you to refrain from crowning our suspect with a title,” Daniels said, grabbing the coffee cup from Eddington’s hand and raising it up in a toast.
“It’s not me naming your suspect.  It’s popped-up on Twitter about three hours ago, detective, and I’m sure it’s already made a splash over the Internet.  I’m just playing catch-up for the twelve o’clock news,” the reporter corrected.
Suddenly, the detective sat up in his seat and snapped his fingers at his partner.
“Twitter has already grabbed onto this?  It’s just a small time theft, Misses…?”
“Ms. Walters, detective, and it might be a small time theft but this is the digital age and word travels fast when there’s a message associated with a crime,” Stacy Walters said.  “‘The Animal Uprising Begins’?  Pretty bold statement, wouldn’t you agree, detective?”
The smooth confidence in the reporter’s voice was starting to irk Daniels.  If it hadn’t been for the spraypainting, this case probably wouldn’t have attracted any attention at all.
“It’s just somebody’s delusional writings.  It means nothing.”
“So this person is crazy,” the reporter pressed on.
“I didn’t say that,” Daniels shot back.
“Is it true that the getaway vehicle was a bicycle?  Or how about the fact that the person wore a pig mask during the crime?”
Daniels’ heart jumped into his throat momentarily and he mouthed the word, “fuck” to Eddington.  The police left out any mention of the perp’s method of transportation or the unusual choice of headgear.  This reporter was good; she wasn’t getting all of her news from Twitter, not all of it anyway.  These kinds of details could only come from someone within the investigation. Terrific.
“We’re not commenting on what type of vehicle the suspect was using at the time of the hold-up or what they were or were not wearing.  And as far as comments go, that is all I can say.  Have a good one,” Daniels said, hanging up the phone despite hearing Ms. Walters’ voice still calling out from the other end.
“I think this is going to really be more interesting than we thought, Mike,” Daniels sighed.

Blood was splashed all over the plastic board as the knife cut through the sinewy flesh with relative ease.  Each slice collapsed neatly on top of the other slice as more and more blood oozed out.  This was a scene familiar to Alexandra, meat-cutter extraordinaire for the small Illinois grocery store chain, Simply The Best.
As a vegan it wasn’t the most pleasant of scenes that she had to deal with on a daily basis, but she did her job because it got her the money she needed.  Her parents, in an attempt to teach her about responsibility and independence, had refused to pay her entire school tuition.  They paid a small percentage but that still left a lot to cover, which is why she had to take this semester off.  If she was ever going to go back to college next semester, she needed all the money she could get, and in this economy, a crappy job was all her crappy job skills allowed her to attain.  A job’s a job, was what she had convinced herself day after day.
Plus, seeing all of that cut-up dead animal flesh just sitting out for customers to pick from helped to reinforce her veganism.  It also didn’t hurt that the typical omnivore she saw walk up to the counter was nearly ten times the size of Alexandra, who was as thin as a toothpick compared to these people.
Alexandra was cutting slabs of meat for Simply The Best’s customers when John, her coworker in the meat department, came strolling into the back room.  If there was anyone she wanted to have on her cutting board, it was John.  The man seemed to go out of his way to irritate her.
“Hey, Sunflower, once you’re done there, come out and help some of our customers.  We’re a bit slammed out there thanks to last minute arrivals,” he said in a tone that he must’ve thought was charming but wasn’t.
‘Sunflower’ was the little nickname he had given her when she first began working there.  Alexandra presumed he thought the sunflower was an exotic Asian plant and was the only thing he could use as a nickname.  John wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but he was a tool, thanks to having long ago drunk and smoked most of his brain cells away.  John was the stereotypical white suburbanite that had no idea about life outside of his small community and whatever he saw on the television.  His ignorance had once been amusing but had since grown to piss her off.
After having finished in the back, she came through the swinging door to the meat counter and saw several customers standing around the department’s glass counter.  It was surprising to see how many people left Thanksgiving shopping to the last possible moment.  Alexandra figured these were the people who didn’t know how long it took to cook a turkey and were now in for any last minute alternative they could get their hands on.  Just seeing them made her feel even more exhausted than she already was.  It took a lot out of her to fake the level of cheerfulness customer service required out of her.
“Can I help anyone?” Alexandra asked, barely able to see above the countertop.
A large woman, who looked like she was trying to break a world record for how much weight she could gain, came waddling up to the counter and pointed at the case.
“I want two pounds of that,” she said.
From Alexandra’s side, she couldn’t tell what “that” she was pointing at.  There were about five different things sitting in the general area where she was pointing her chubby finger.
“Two pounds of what?” Alexandra hated it when she had to play mind reader.
“Of the ribeye!” the woman huffed.
Alexandra clenched her teeth as she leaned into the case to grab two of the ribeyes that were already cut up into one pound steaks.  She was about to wrap the meat when the lady spoke up.
“Can you also cut the fat off the ribeye?”
“Of course,” Alexandra said before turning her back to the woman.  “She sure picked the wrong item if she’s trying to watch what she eats.”
Alexandra looked down at the meat as she took the knife and gracefully sliced off the thin layer of white fat that wrapped around the left side of each ribeye.  Even after removing the visible fat from the outer edge, Alexandra could still see the thick fat deposits that ran throughout the two steaks.  If this lady thought she was now going to be eating something healthier than what it was just a minute ago, she was in for a rude awakening.  She might’ve extended her lifespan by five seconds.
Just because Alexandra excelled at her job and was liked by everyone around her didn’t mean that she didn’t have any qualms about her means of financial support.  Though she reminded herself daily that a job was a job, to her, this was just as big of a crime perpetrated on the masses as the crime she supposedly committed earlier that morning.
Her breathing quickened at the thought of what she had pulled off twelve hours earlier.  So far Alexandra hadn’t seen any details about the suspect other than that they wore a pig mask and dressed all in black.  She hadn’t come across anything on the Internet that gave much more.  Alexandra thought she had put enough preparation into the liberation and the subsequent getaway to ensure she had made a clean exit, but she had seen plenty of crime shows to know that the cops never shared everything with the public.
She cleared her mind of her senseless worrying long enough to finish serving the woman her two ribeyes.  The woman swiped the packages away from Alexandra while glaring at her with her beady little mole eyes, and grumbled something once she saw the price on the package.
“It doesn’t cost this much when I shop elsewhere,” she mumbled as she left the counter.
“That’s because not every place can serve grade D cow,” Alexandra retorted, biting her tongue once she had said it.
The woman, who was already red in the face from the strain on her body, turned a lighter shade of purple upon hearing the dreaded c-word.  Horror swept across her face at the thought that she was eating the meat of a once-living animal but she said nothing and only hurried away as quickly as possible.
“You do know we’re not supposed to remind customers they’re eating animals, right, Sunflower?” John asked, already knowing the answer.
“She should know what she’s eating since she’s becoming one with each passing day,” Alexandra said.
When Alexandra first started working at Simply The Best she thought it was odd that they were discouraged in the strongest of terms against using certain words when referring to the meat they were selling.  The company went out of their way to avoid reminding the customer they were digesting cows, chickens, or pigs – now referred to as beef, poultry, and pork – or the process by which they received the meat from these animals.  Surely the people still knew what they were eating even if they avoided using the words, Alexandra had thought, but the first time she accidentally said the word ‘slaughter’ she was proven wrong.  The customer had looked at Alexandra with the same horror that the morbidly obese woman had given her just now.  Apparently, people really could fool themselves into believing or not believing anything they set their minds to
This little incident was probably going to result in another discussion with her supervisor.
After Alexandra returned to the back cutting room, Juan, a coworker of hers in the meat department, came barreling through the swinging doors with an empty, bloody tray from the front.  When he noticed Alexandra standing at the sink, he shook his head and looked away to conceal a smile.
“What’s so funny?” Alexandra asked.
“You and that crazy brain of yours.  Why do you try pickin’ fights with the customers?” Juan said, dropping the bloody tray into the sink full of hot soapy water.
Nobody knew she was vegan at her store and she wanted to keep that secret to herself for as long as she could manage.  Not that it was necessarily a bad thing if they did know, but she already spent enough time going through the same million questions that Melissa and her other friends asked about what a vegan was and she didn’t want to deal with the same repetitive questions.  Besides, if she even bothered to explain it, she doubted many of them would understand fully or bother to care.  Even though Juan was smarter than the average person, she still preferred her secrets.
“I’m just tired of ignorance being coddled in this world.  If she can’t handle the fact that she’s eating a once-living creature, then she shouldn’t be eating it at all,” Alexandra bemoaned, vigorously scrubbing the dishes.  She glanced up at Juan, who stood-in at the same five-and-a-half feet as she was, and who was now standing close enough for Alexandra to get a good look at his piercing blue eyes.  She quickly pulled her eyes away from Juan and focused on the dishes again.  She felt her heart flutter for a moment but for the first time that day, it wasn’t because of last night.
Juan patted her head as he walked toward the swinging doors.
“So much rage for such a small chica,” he laughed, giving her one last look.
Alexandra lifted her arm out of the soapy water and extended her middle finger at him before he disappeared to the floor.

Nathan had managed to make it through most of his workday hidden away inside his small office, going through papers and crunching numbers on behalf of his charity organization, The Sacred Home.  In an office building that only had thirty people in it, interruptions were generally at a minimum but he kept glancing at his phone, pondering when the first Animal Avenger call would come in.  The only saving grace that Nathan could see in all of this was that it took place on Thanksgiving weekend.  However, it was only a matter of time before a donor, a reporter, or worse a protester would find a way of contacting Nathan.
On his lunch break Nathan spent nearly the entire hour looking over online articles that talked about the Animal Avenger, as the public was now calling the mystery figure at the heart of the case.  A Rockford-based television channel was even claiming that the figure was wearing a pig mask.  It seemed that Nathan’s earlier comment about the criminal being nuts was being generous.
Perhaps Nathan was being paranoid for no reason at all.  Since herbivores accounted for such a small percentage of the population the mainstream probably wouldn’t pay any attention to this small incident.  Since nobody was hurt, Nathan reasoned, who really gave a damn?
A knock came from his door as his boss, CEO of The Sacred Home, Mark Hastings, peered into the office.  Mark and Nathan had known each other since college at Northwestern, where they were both English lit majors.  Mark was the grand visionary whose big ideas matched his muscular build and sharp mind.  He was equally at home playing rugby or the protest line with Nathan.  They started The Sacred Home after spending years working for other various charities.  With Mark having a double major in business and Nathan having the natural charisma of a politician who could raise lots of money, they operated The Sacred Home like a well-oiled machine.  That machine had raised millions of dollars to help support anti-animal cruelty causes throughout the country in its entire five years of existence.
“Hey, Nate, got a minute?” Mark asked, already entering the room.  “We need to talk about how we’re going to deal with this so-called Animal Avenger.”
Despite being friends and business partners, they often clashed on matters dealing with policy.  Nathan now sat shocked that Mark of all people, a man who used to drop a thousand dollars in a single weekend during family trips to Vegas, was suddenly concerned over the same thing Nathan had been obsessing over the entire morning.
“Are you serious?  Have you gotten any calls?” Nathan asked, fiddling with his red tie as he leaned back into his chair.
“Just one from Darius but it’s enough that we should at least draft an e-mail to send out to our supporters.”
Darius was the charity’s biggest donor and was the only one capable of getting Mark into a tizzy.
“Should we really make this out to be more than it is?  If we discuss it, we’re just going to give this idiot unworthy airtime.  It’s beneath us, Mark.”
“It’s called having a sound defense.  We not only have to calm our supporters but calm our detractors who already think our charity isn’t important enough to take up the office space in this building.  If we, and every major anti-animal cruelty organization, distance ourselves from this guy, he’ll be isolated and viewed for what we all know him to be, a lone extremist not representative of the rest of us.  But we can’t just say nothing and hope this guy doesn’t get any traction.  My son already told me Animal Avenger is all over Twitter.  He’s getting out ahead of us and in business, that’s never good, Nate.”
Damn, Nathan thought, he always has an answer for everything.
“What about the donors who do condone what he’s doing?”
Now it was Mark’s turn to look peeved.  He could only muster a shrug before finding his answer.
“The sword will always have its followers.  It’s our job to show that the pen is still mightier, Nate.”
Nathan tossed his pen onto the desk and rocked several times before looking back up at Mark with a wry smile.
“Mrs. Sanders would’ve been proud of that line coming from her star pupil.  Okay, I’ll draft something up and send it out first thing tomorrow.”

Alexandra had arrived late to the coffee shop that was nearly devoid of customers by that point in the day, but Melissa didn’t seem to notice since she had been texting when Alexandra first showed up.  She collapsed into the sofa seat next to Melissa, who handed Alexandra her favorite chocolate soy latte drink without looking up from her cell.  You would’ve thought her best friend would’ve done more to acknowledge her presence since they hadn’t seen each other in nearly two weeks.
“Heaven,” Alexandra sighed, inhaling the coffee fumes from the cardboard cup.  She removed her shoulder bag and placed it on her lap before allowing herself a very slow sip.
“Thanks for showing up, doll,” Melissa said, finally putting her cell down.  She brushed her long brunette locks out of her face and blew Alexandra a kiss.
“Long day.  John kept staring at me and it was creeping me out.  Not to mention all the disgusting customers who were terribly out of shape asking for the biggest slabs of meat possible.”
Another sip of her latte and with each warm sip, Alexandra became more relaxed.
“Maybe if you would just stick up for yourself and tell John to shove it, he’d leave you alone.  The guy’s a weirdo.”
Alexandra shook her head, looking around the coffee shop and catching more than one set of eyes glancing at her.  She hated the attention but at least they weren’t leering at her like John.  It’s not like Alexandra understood what their fascination was with her.  In her mind, her breasts were small, her ass was bony, and her short-cropped hair often elicited jokes from Mel about looking too butch for most men.
“I don’t like confrontation, Mel.”
Her friend raised her arm in surrender.  John and her never-ending confrontations with him was a running topic they had talked about a number of times.  Melissa was always the bold, goal-oriented one of the two.  With the exception of the previous night’s activities, Alexandra had rarely sought confrontation.  She doubted she could’ve done it had she not come across the pig mask at the Halloween shop a month prior.
“And about the customers, not everyone can look as good as we do, doll, and that’s good on us!  It leaves more of them for us,” Melissa smiled, waving her arm out at the few other patrons still at the coffee shop.
Alexandra grabbed Melissa’s arm and held it down so people would stop looking at them.  Melissa laughed her usual carefree laugh while Alexandra just shook her head and snickered.
“Do you mean the boys or girls?” Alexandra wanted to know.
“Whoever tickles my fancy,” Melissa winked.  “There is this one pretty boy in my anatomy class that’s easy on the eyes.”
Alexandra laughed.  “Shouldn’t you be focused on your studies, Ms. Nurse-In-Training?”
Melissa pursed her lips together and made a loud noise as she pushed air through her lips.
“Work hard, play harder, my dear.  Is it too soon to ask him to play doctor?  Yes?”

Detectives Daniels and Eddington were still at their desks when the sun began to set.  Their day had consisted of verifying Edward’s story by visiting the cosmetics company’s research facility and interviewing numerous coworkers of Edwards.  So far, they hadn’t come up with anything unusual.  The company’s surveillance videos were also not very helpful since they were recorded over every week.  The last few trips Edward had made, the cameras had picked up nothing.  Tomorrow they would head to the airport and see if they could find anything more useful on that end.
“Look, we better get going.  It’s Thanksgiving and my girlfriend won’t let me live it down if I don’t at least make an appearance.  We’ll hit this tomorrow and see where we are.”
Eddington grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and turned his desk light off before joining his partner as they headed for the door.
“Having your traditional Thanksgiving meal, Mike?” Daniels asked as he slid his black wool coat on.
“Value Meal number four?  Nothing but the best for me,” he replied.
“How you keep your physique while eating that crap, I’ll never know,” Daniels laughed.
They were just at the door when the phone on Detective Daniels’ desk rang.  Both men stood there and gave each other a long stare as the phone continued to ring.
“The lab’s been closed for over an hour.  It’s probably just your girlfriend calling to yell at you,” Eddington reasoned.  He was always the optimist of the two.
Daniels turned back toward his desk and saw the red light flashing on his phone.  He drooped his shoulders in resignation and began jogging back to his desk.
“Detective Daniels speaking.”
“Hello, detective?  It’s Karen from the lab.  I have some news about the bike we received earlier this morning.  Sorry for the delay, but with the holiday and all, we’re a bit light on staff.”
Daniels was waving his hand in the air, urging Karen to move on with her point.
“It’s okay, Karen.  What do you have for us?”
Eddington bit his lower lip, dropped his coat on his chair before sitting down, and rested his head on his hand while he waited for Daniels to be done.
“There wasn’t much on that bike that we could use.  Most of it looked like it had been wiped clean of anything useable but whoever rode that bike missed a spot under the seat where you can adjust the height.  We found a few smudges but got one fingerprint off of it.”
“Oh, Thank god.  Tell me, did you already run it?” Daniels was bursting with their first real lead of the case.
Karen scoffed, “You’re doubting me?  Of course, detective, and the print belongs to someone in the database.  Someone must be getting his Christmas gift a bit early.  I’ll fax you over the details.”
Daniels was positively beaming as he placed the phone back in its place.  He looked up at Eddington who still looked annoyed at having to be there.
“Sorry, Mike, but it looks like we might not get to wait until tomorrow.  Want to go find our possible suspect?”

Alexandra and Melissa had talked for more than five hours as they walked along the streets of Schaumburg, a suburb just about forty minutes from downtown Chicago.  Since Melissa’s parents would rather spend their Thanksgiving in the Caribbean with their high school friends than spend it with Melissa, the girls had all the time in the world with each other.  They had talked about everything except the one subject Alexandra wanted to talk about.  She had to put up with her dad’s disapproving attitude that morning, throwing her for a loop, and she was looking for someone else’s view.
That’s when Melissa brought it up.
“So, veg-head, did you hear about the Animal Avenger?” Melissa laughed, shaking her hands about when she said the words ‘Animal Avenger’.
Alexandra was honestly shocked.
“Where’ve you been, hun?  It’s all over the Internet.  I thought you would’ve seen it on one of your vegan blogs.  Hell, it even made normal news.”
Melissa pulled out her cell and quickly got online and pulled up an image of the truck that Alexandra had tagged.  Above the photo, in big bold type was the headline:

The Animal Avenger Strikes, Freeing Test Animals

Alexandra reread the headline five times before looking up at Melissa.  The headline was a bit corny but someone had given her a name.
Crap, why didn’t I think of a name first?  I could’ve done a lot better than that.
“I didn’t know they gave the guy a name.  So, uh, any new developments?” Alexandra asked, clearing her throat as they continued their walk.
“Just that some dude got messed up!” Melissa shouted.  “Well, not physically, but this Animal Avenger guy made the driver free all the animals that were going to be tested on.  How sweet is that?”
Alexandra had to contain herself.  Finally, someone who agreed with what she did.  It took everything in her not to exclaim, “It was me!  I stuck it to the man and liberated the animals,” but she had to keep a lid on that.  It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Melissa to keep her secret, but for some reason something inside of her was telling her to keep things to herself.  This wasn’t some WB show where she could spill all of her secrets to every person she ran into.  She still understood that she had committed a crime, even if it was a justified crime.
“So, you agree with what this guy did?”  She gripped her shoulder bag so hard that her knuckles were turning white.
“Hell yeah!  Don’t look so surprised, girlie, just because I eat bacon everyday doesn’t mean I think we should douse the animals in chemicals so I can make myself look beautiful. Jeez.”
Alexandra held up both hands in self-defense.
“Hey, preaching to the choir here.  I wish you could talk some sense into my dad, though.  You’d think he’d be telling the companies that they brought this upon themselves.  They’re the ones testing on living creatures, there are bound to be consequences for their actions.”
Melissa disagreed, or at least that’s what the look on her face told Alexandra.
“I don’t know, Alex, I mean you’re dad’s cool and all, but he’s Gandhi and this Animal Avenger is Batman.  There’s a big difference.”
“Besides one having actually existed and the other being a work of fiction?”
Melissa shoved Alexandra off the sidewalk as they turned down the street to Melissa’s house.
“Meaning, this Animal Avenger is throwing a monkey wrench into the years of work your dad’s put into the cause.”
“But they’re fighting for the same goal, Mel.  He can go about his methods and this Animal Avenger can go about his.  The public will respond to each and see who has the stronger message.”
Melissa held up a finger and waved it at Alexandra.
“But will they respond the way this Animal Avenger wants them to respond?”
Alexandra stopped in her tracks and pondered that, while images of angry mobs carrying scarecrows with pig masks burning in effigy ran through her mind.  Things could backfire, sure, but was the American public as unpredictable as her imagination could make them out to be?
She looked back up at her friend, who was unlocking the front door to her parent’s ranch-level home.
“Alright, so are you for or against this Animal Avenger,” she asked, following Melissa inside.
“Just playing devil’s advocate s’all.  I’m all for our righteous superhero; you know, rah, rah, and all that.”
Once they were inside, Alexandra dropped her bag on Melissa’s bed and went to have a late night shower.  She still smelled like the meat department and she wanted to wash the stink off of her.  She was nearly finished getting into her yoga pants and her faded Tegan and Sara t-shirt when she caught herself in the mirror.  She took a few minutes to stare at herself, trying to see what guys saw in her.  She wasn’t fat, she didn’t have acne scars, and she didn’t have to wear glasses.  She ran her hands over her stomach, her shirt having shrunk to a point where it no longer covered her past her belly button.  Plus, she could really pull off this laidback look.  Okay, so maybe there were a few things she did well to attract the opposite sex.  She stuck her tongue out at her reflection when a knock came from the bathroom door.
“Do you have anything for a headache?” Melissa called from the other side of the door.
“Check the side pouch of my bag,” Alexandra replied before resuming her humming.
A few seconds had gone by before she heard Melissa call out yet again.
“Jesus, which pouch?  This thing has about twenty of them!”
For some reason that’s when the warning bells went off inside her head.  She hadn’t removed the pig mask or the toy gun from her bag. Shit!  She hadn’t wanted her parents coming across them when she wasn’t home and thought they’d be safer with her but now she was regretting that decision.  Alexandra ran out of the bathroom at full speed down the hallway, hoping she could get to Melissa before she went rummaging through her bag.  She had been so exhausted from last night that she wasn’t thinking.
Stupid!  Keep making these fucking mistakes and you deserve to be caught by the cops, she cursed to herself.
Alexandra reached Melissa’s door just in time to see Melissa standing at the foot of her bed, staring down at the inside of the bag.  Alexandra wanted to yell out and say something but what could she say?  All she could do was stand in the doorway, mouth slack-jawed, and her stomach flipping over like a flapjack.  Slowly, as if she was worried about some unknown danger, Melissa reached into the bag and grabbed something from the bottom.  Despite knowing what Melissa had found, Alexandra still felt like someone punched her in the gut when she saw the pig mask staring at her as Melissa pulled it out.  Now it was Melissa’s jaw that drooped down as she stared at the mask.
Alexandra tried to say something but only a tiny squeak make it past her lips.  Melissa turned her head toward Alexandra, who saw that shock had turned into anger on her friend’s face.  She gripped the pig mask in her fist and shook it at Alexandra, still frozen in the doorway.
“What. The. Fuck, Alexandra?  What the hell is this shit??”